Toolbox of RESOURCES



Threat-Specific Monitoring Checklists and Visual Aids

Asian Longhorned Beetle

ramorum blight/sudden oak death

Ramorum Blight/Sudden Oak Death

redbay ambrosia beetle

Redbay Ambrosia Beetle/Laurel Wilt

Photo Clue Handout
Monitoring Checklist

walnut twig beetle/thousand cankers disease

Walnut Twig Beetle/Thousand Cankers Disease

Photo Clue Handout
Monitoring Checklist


Mentor Program

Participate in Pest Survey Research

Please provide the following information so we can connect you with the folks already doing pest surveys in your state. In the event that they are unable to involve you in existing survey work, we will follow up with you about supplying traps directly to your garden.

Considering your location and plant taxa, which of the following are you most interested in deploying traps for? *
Whole number value only
Pest & Pathogen Preparedness

Sample Submission Form

Please complete the following webform whenever and wherever you are submitting a sample for diagnosis so that we can document the contribution that public gardens are making to our knowledge about plant pests and diseases. After you have entered the information about the sample here, click “submit” and a packing slip will be emailed to you. Please print and include this packing slip, along with the sample submission form from your diagnostic lab, when sending in your material.

Important Reminder:

Many common plant problems can be identified through the exchange of digital images / video so we strongly encourage our member gardens to engage their diagnosticians via email prior to submitting a physical sample. You can find their contact info on this clickable map. They will provide guidance on what type of documentation would be most useful and whether or not a physical sample is necessary for identification.

Which of the following are your submitting? *
Did your diagnostic indicate that a physical sample was needed for identification? *
*Please note that if your diagnostican has not specifically asked you to send in this sample, SPN may not cover the processing fee and you may be held responsible for the cost.

Diagnostic/Reporting Resources

For members of the Sentinel Plant Network, getting diagnostic support is as simple as 1, 2, 3…

Ready to get started? Find the contact information for your state’s NPDN lab using the state-by-state listings on the following regional landing pages.

Disaster Preparedness and
Risk Management Resources

Minimizing the impact of serious pests and diseases boils down to three principles…

Plant Protection Resources



The Arnold Arboretum ALB Monitoring Protocol Sheet



The Arnold Arboretum ALB Management Plan – June 2010

Bloedel Reserve


Standard Operative Procedure for Mitigating Phytopthora Ramorum



Preparing Plant Collections for Biological Invasions: A Study of The Effects Of Emerald Ash Borer

For more resources on Disaster Preparedness and Risk Management, please visit the Library/Media Center.


In addition to using the resources below to engage staff and volunteers, we also need you to help educate your community members about the impact of serious plant pests and diseases, the importance of early detection and the role of citizen science.

Threat-Specific Presentations

Pest/Pathogen National Newsletters

Newsletters by region and state

The Morton Arboretum’s Plant Health Care Report

The University of Illinois Home, Yard & Garden Pest Newsletter

University of Kentucky, Kentucky Pest News

UMass Landscape Message

New York
“Branching Out,” an IPM Newsletter by Cornell Dept of Plant Pathology and Cornell Cooperative Extension

North Carolina
Dr. Steven Frank’s website
“Insect Ecology and Integrated Pest Management”

Follow Dr. Frank’s EcoIPM on Twitter

Follow Dr. Frank’s OrnaPests on Twitter

Links of interest

APHIS’s Hungry Pests Site

Center for Invasive Species and Ecosystem Health

Bugwood Wiki


Pest Tracker

International Society of Arboriculture

National Site for USDA Regional IPM Centers

Emerald Ash Borer University

Beetle Busters

Texas Invasives