Do you want to build a resilient public garden that is prepared for all hazards? True business resilience means maintaining safe facilities, educating your workforce, investing in supplier relationships, and building community connections. Why? Being prepared can mitigate any hazards you face and decrease your overall costs of disruptions.
In October, join International ShakeOut Day to help prepare your business and garden plans for earthquakes. Preparedness is key!

Get Ready for International ShakeOut Day!
Is your organization prepared for earthquakes? Earthquakes can occur anywhere in the world. International ShakeOut Day is always the third Thursday of October. The main goal of the day is to help get the world prepared for earthquakes. There are many ways for your organization to participate in the ShakeOut. Check out these Great ShakeOut earthquake drills to help prepare for when an earthquake strikes.

Why Should Your Organization Care about the Risk of Earthquakes?
Many areas of the world are prone to or at risk of earthquakes. They occur without warning and cannot be predicted, but can cause significant damage. Everyone should know how to protect themselves during an earthquake. Understanding the potential impacts that this could have on your public garden is the first step toward creating a plan to protect employees, visitors, and business continuity. The Ready Business Quakesmart Toolkit can help you identify your organization’s risk with a self-assessment. Additionally, it can help you develop a plan, take action, and inspire others.

Where Can I Learn More?
For more information about earthquake statistics, the most recent earthquakes in your area, educational materials, and a place to report an earthquake that you felt, visit the USGS Earthquake Hazards Program. Additionally check out the ways that you can receive real-time notifications about earthquakes.