As President of the Wildlife Habitat Council, Margaret O'Gorman helps companies find value in natural resources conservation and mainstream biodiversity across operations.  She works with multinational corporations to develop integrated strategies to implement conservation projects to meet business needs and, in so doing, enhance ecosystems, connect communities and engage employees. She helps WHC members build conservation into their sustainability efforts and helps sustain conservation efforts through WHC’s signature Conservation Certification recognition, which serves to define the standard for corporate conservation worldwide.

Non-traditional allies like corporations can be very effective partners in restoration and environmental stewardship conservation efforts. Corporations have land, resources and people that can be deployed for meaningful environmental outcomes. The best corporate conservation activities are those linked to a business need or challenge. The Wildlife Habitat Council has identified 16 business reasons that engage corporate leaders and land managers in conservation and related education activities. By understanding these reasons, a conservation partner will be able to engage in a long-term, mutually beneficial restoration or stewardship project with a corporation that will go beyond arms-length philanthropy and create better ecological outcomes.  

Margaret’s presentation introduced the 16 reasons why businesses get involved with biodiversity and showcase examples where business and conservation partnerships have implemented restoration and stewardship projects that have brought meaningful benefits to biodiversity. The presentation is designed to show how to work effectively with the private sector by better understanding the needs of business and the framework in which operations occur.