Plant Collections Network Manager, Pam Allenstein, provides an overview of the Plant Collections Network.
Plant Collections Network Introduction
Collection Planning Beyond Lists & Labels: Integrating Data for Curation & Research
Digitization, integration, and optimization of collections data can pay dividends across the board from management efficiency to innovative research activity. Unfortunately, this...
READ MORE Collection Planning Invasive Plant Species Voluntary Codes of Conduct for Botanic Gardens & Arboreta
This document provides a voluntary code of conduct regarding the management of invasive plant species. Learn how to conduct an...
READ MORE Collection Planning Benchmarking Collections Case Study, Orchids
Why Benchmark Plant Collections? Compare your collection with others Define your collection’s scope Verify what’s special, unique, common Use results...
READ MORE Collection Planning Understanding the Fundamentals: Collections Overview
What is a plant collection? Like objects in a museum, plants that are documented and labeled can be part of a...