This report presents a vegetation and herbivory monitoring protocol intended to assess the combined effects of herbivory and climate change on the terrestrial plant communities of Isle Royale National Park (ISRO). This protocol will capture data on vegetation composition and structure, and on associated moose browsing of terrestrial (herbaceous, shrub, sapling, and overstory layers) vegetation to identify areas within the park most susceptible to forest change. Understanding what continuing changes these communities may still undergo is a major goal for National Park Service (NPS) resource managers, as this information will allow for more targeted conservation strategies. The University of Michigan’s Matthaei Botanical Gardens and Nichols Arboretum helped fund this project seving as a great example of a conservation partnership that extends beyond garden walls.
Herbivory, Climate Change and the Future Landscape of Isle Royale National Park: Developing an Herbivory Monitoring Program to Adaptively Manage the Park’s Terrestrial and Aquatic Ecosystems