Public Assistance (PA) is coordinated at the state level (in conjunction with FEMA) by each State’s Emergency Management Department. Association members might qualify for PA as a Non-Profit, particularly for Small Business Association (SBA) loans. Eligibility for assistance is based upon the types of services provided.  Gardens affected by hurricanes should visit the following websites for more information and resources: – Public Assistance: – Public Assistance Media Library:
TX Department of Public Safety:
FL Division of Emergency Management:
U.S. Small Business Administration:
Resources for Puerto Rico (PR) and the U.S. Virgin Islands (USVI) can be found here:

Questions? Contact or

The scenes of devastation wrought by the wildfires challenge our comprehension, and the loss of life gives us all pause. Although the fires have turned neighborhoods to ash, the hope exists that cherished family heirlooms somehow survived the flames. If any have survived, these precious items are often covered with soot and ash, requiring prompt and gentle attention to avoid further damage. The Heritage Emergency National Task Force offers basic guidelines from professional conservators for those who search for, and find, family treasures amid the ruins:

“After the Fire: Advice for Salvaging Damaged Family Treasures”

This fact sheet has been posted on the California Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES) website: