This full-day workshop guides participants through both a big picture overview of Core Documents and on-the-ground details necessary to propel garden museums along the continuum of excellence. This participatory environment walks through the development and/or fine tuning of: Mission Statement, Strategic Plan, Emergency Plan, Code of Ethics, and Collections Management Policy, all fundamental for basic professional museum operations and critical for organizational stability, strength, and flexibility. Participants will learn the importance of having the documents in place, standards and best practices for each, and how to develop/strengthen their own versions. Through activities and discussion, the instructors and guest speakers, experienced with museums/collections, will explore theory and practice of each guiding document, bringing them to life based on their own careers.
Presenters: L. Eldred, Denver Botanic Gardens, Denver, Colorado; J. Hart,
American Alliance of Museums, Arlington, Virginia; C. Bass, Santa Fe Botanical
Garden, Santa Fe, New Mexico
Excellent to the Core: A Workshop for Developing Core Documents to Guide Your Organization to Greatness