A webinar-based course on environmental education
EECapacity for Public Garden Educators consists of an introductory video plus three webinar modules. The overall goal of the program is to guide public garden educators as they seek to develop outreach programs aimed at improving environmental awareness among their constituents. Registrants who participated in all three webinars and submited a project plan received a certificate of completion form the EECapacity program.
Green Community Redevelopment
January 22, 2015 at 3:00 PM (EST)
Provided by: Dr. Don Rakow, Associate Professor of Horticulture, Cornell University
Promoting Environmental Justice
February 5, 2015 at 3:00 PM (EST)
Provided by: Dr. Don Rakow, Associate Professor of Horticulture, Cornell University
Laying the Groundwork: Introducing children to ecological concepts underlying climate change
February 19, 2015 at 3:00 PM (EST)
Provided by: Dr. Jennifer Schwarz Ballard, Associate Vice President of Education, Chicago Botanic Garden