This edition (Spring 2011) of the Landscape Management Plan is the result of the continuing work of the Horticulture Department of the Arnold Arboretum. It is a detailed game plan that communicates the shared goals and priorities collectively developed by the horticulture team. The Plan’s goal is to maintain exemplary standards of horticultural care and management that provide optimal growing conditions for our collections, enhance the ecological health of the Arboretum environment, and present a landscape of outstanding quality for visitors, students, the surrounding community and other key constituencies.
Arnold Arboretum’s Landscape Management Plan

Plant Collections
2023 Collection Guidelines
The American Public Gardens Association is partnering with the United States Forestry Service’s Forest Health Protection to establish living gene...
Plant Collections
Applying for Collections Accreditation with Plant Collections Network
Holding a Nationally Accredited Plant Collection™ is added recognition of your institution’s long-term commitment to plant collections preservation, and to...
Plant Collections
Plant Collection’s Network Acer References
A listing of 99 references related to Acer spp., thanks to the Acer multisite collection of the Plant Collection Network.
Plant Collections
Successfully Run the Tropical Plant Gauntlet: Ease the Pain of a Florida Tropical Plant Purchase
Florida tropical plant nurseries offer something many of us in the public garden world are using more and more, large and...