Interested in Participating?

Despite the name, participation in National Public Gardens Day is open to all of our members. Whether your organization is a botanic garden, zoo, cemetery, park, arboretum, museum, college/university, display garden, or other, we encourage everyone to participate! 

What is National Public Gardens Day?

National Public Gardens Day is a day to honor and draw attention to our nation's public gardens. Similar to other types of annual events (i.e. Earth Day), the purpose is to offer a pathway for our members to come together to bring national awareness to public gardens and the impact they have on their communities.

Participating gardens mark the day with special events or activities and often use the occasion as a visitation, promotions, or marketing driver.

How does my garden participate?

  • Designate one person from your garden to serve as your National Public Gardens Day contact.
  • Come up with a promotional coupon offer that visitors can download and use at your garden.
  • Visit our website and fill out the “Add New Offer” form with your coupon offer details (no account or login required).
  • Click “Save” and you’re done!

*If you wish to change any of the information on your coupon, do not fill out another form. Simply email and we'll make the change for you!

*If you want to change your logo or featured photo on your garden's profile page, simply email the photos to

What are some past examples of coupon offers?

National Public Gardens Day is about educating the public about the importance of public gardens, and the offer is simply a way to encourage them to visit your garden.

Over the years, gardens have created a variety of offers including (but not limited to) special tours and exhibits, gift giveaways, and discounts on admission, parking, or in the gift shop. Some gardens have simply touted the message "Visit us on National Public Gardens Day".

There are no guidelines or limitations on what your garden can offer. No matter what you choose to do, the decision is 100% up to you.

Do you have marketing materials or a media kit I can use to promote this event?

Absolutely! You can find various marketing materials (i.e. flyer and press release templates, social media posts, logos, etc.) and media kit files on our website here.

How will the public know my garden is participating?

Using the existing Gardens Map on the Association website, public visitors can filter and search for your garden, download your coupon, and bring it with them on May 12th.

Share your personalized url from your garden's profile page on various marketing materials and campaigns. This allows members of the public to access your coupon quickly and easily.

For further questions or assistance, email or