Industry Insights is a unique opportunity to create your own content and share best practices by presenting a webinar to members of the Association. While you may use Industry Insights to promote a product, the presentation should not be overly product-centric.
Your webinar could also be structured as part of a corporate webinar series by topic (ex. Technology). The branded three (3) webinar series would be more frequently promoted via Association social media and additional eblasts in addition to the Association website event calendar.
Industry Insights are a charge-based presentation type. If you are interested in learning more about pricing and presentation options, please contact

Your sponsorship benefits include:
- Create and present your own webinar content to garden leaders
- Marketing exposure and logo inclusion via
- Association website event calendar
- eblasts to members
- Monthly e-newsletter
- Specialty e-newsletters
- Additional emails promoting webinar registration leading up to the event
- Archived in the on-demand store and made available for purchase after the event
- Up to three (3) complimentary registrations to event
- Registrant email list provided after event