Do you want to build a resilient public garden that is prepared for all hazards? True business resilience means maintaining safe facilities, educating your workforce, investing in supplier relationships, and building community connections. Why? Being prepared can mitigate any hazards you face and decrease your overall costs of disruptions.
In April — and all year — don’t let pests and pathogens impact your business and garden plans. Preparedness is key!
What Would You Say is the Greatest Threat to the Survival of Our Trees?
Deforestation? Climate change? How about pests and diseases?
Many of us don’t really think about our strong trees getting sick or infested, but pests and diseases are some of the biggest dangers to the future survival of some of our beloved tree species, from the mighty oak to the ancient ash. Insect pests and diseases are the second strongest drivers of biodiversity loss in native ecosystems – and the bad news is introductions of significant pests are on the rise.
That’s why it’s important that your public garden understands the potential impacts and how to prepare.
Get Pest & Disease Ready!
Get started by checking out the Plant Protection Program, which encompasses a variety of activities and resources that engage public gardens in forest health protection and plant conservation.
Early Detection
Any garden that is a member of the American Public Gardens Association and has completed the program’s Letter of Support can also participate in the Sentinel Plant Network. This network provides scouting resources, diagnostic support, and educational materials to help public gardens stop serious pests and diseases by working on the front lines of early detection and engaging community members as citizen scientists.
Looking for More Education?
The Invasive Plant Species Voluntary Codes of Conduct for Botanic Gardens & Arboreta provides a voluntary code of conduct regarding the management of invasive plant species. Learn how to conduct an institution-wide review examining all departments and activities that provide opportunities to stem the proliferation of invasive species and inform visitors.