Biological Sciences
101 Rouse Life Sciences Bldg.
Auburn, AL 36849-5407
See Map
(334) 844-5770
The Donald E. Davis Arboretum is a 13.5 acre facility which is supported by the College of Sciences and Mathematics of Auburn University. It provides visitors with a place to enjoy a natural setting and experience the native plants and habitats of Alabama. The arboretum functions as a plant museum and has at its core a living collection of scientifically ordered plants with provenance documentation. It functions as an outdoor classroom for university classes, local schools and community groups.The primary purposes are those of conservation, education, and research all of which support the mission of Auburn University. The arboretum also uniquely works to protect the campus natural resource areas, which fulfills the sustainability objectives articulated in the University Strategic Plan and Master Plan.The main mission of the Davis Arboretum is to display and preserve living plant collections and native southeastern plant communities, to inspire an understanding of the natural world and our connection to it, and to promote education, research and outreach.