Presented by the Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility (IDEA) Community
Celebrating Achievements and Preparing for the Year Ahead!
Come ready to celebrate your 2024 IDEA achievements and engage in meaningful discussions about the challenges your organization has overcome. Mae Lin Plummer will kick off the event with a presentation about the IDEA Center and its invaluable resources, setting the stage for conversations about your future IDEA goals and needs as we work together to advance inclusion, diversity, equity, and accessibility in 2025.
Cost: Free for Members (Non-members cannot attend and must join as a member in order to do so).
This event will NOT be recorded. All virtual events are hosted via Zoom and will have closed captioning available. If you have questions about the event’s accessibility, please reach out to
Garden Management Professional Development Track supported by: Longwood Gardens
The statements and opinions expressed by panelists, hosts, attendees, or other participants of this event are their own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of, nor are endorsed by, the American Public Gardens Association.