It is with great pleasure that we announce Douglas Ruhren as the newest member of the JC Raulston Arboretum team. Douglas has a long history of working with the JCRA as a volunteer where he has helped maintain the Perennial Border and taught classes for many years beginning in the 1990’s. His career has included private estates and public gardens notably participating in the design of Daniel Stowe Botanical Gardens and becoming the head gardener there as well as acting as horticulturist for the American Camellia Society.
Doug’s experience includes designs for the JC Raulston Arboretum, Sarah P. Duke Gardens, Bartlett Research Arboretum, Highpoint University, and Paul J. Ciener Botanical Garden along with numerous private projects. He brings a wealth of gardening know how, extensive plant knowledge, and creative design expertise to the JCRA where he will take the lead in grounds maintenance and plant production.